Thursday, May 22, 2008


This is also a part of ‘long har ch’uan’ and teaches us to attack many
times not only once, the idea being that if you are able to strike once,
then why not a number of times.
One player attacks with a straight punch to the face. The other player
firstly blocks on the ‘closed side’ using his left palm.
Then his left palm sort of strokes the arm downward as his right
palm takes over while the left palm strikes to the face.
Then the left palm takes over as the right palm strikes to the
And this goes on with each palm stroking the arm downward while
the other one strikes. This is very fast and only needs practise for it
to become very fast and useful.

You should always try to block onto the open side of your attacker.
However, sometimes this is impossible and so we must know what to do
when we must block onto his open or dangerous side. The other palm
must be blocked as well even if it isn’t attacking. As in the vertical
blocking techniques already covered.
If the opponent were quite tall you would not attack his face because
this will bring you in very close to him, having to reach upward to reach
his face. In this case you would probably strike at the acupuncture
points under the arm.
In this last section I have touched briefly on ‘Long Har Ch’uan.’ This is
enough to get you started. Much of this advanced fighting art of t’ai chi
can only be taught personally. If you find that for some reason it doesn’t
work, then you are doing something wrong because these techniques
are known to work from my own experience.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The next area of ‘long har ch’uan is the lateral block and defends
against two head punches, one after the other.
Two players face each other as before. One player throws a left head
punch. The other should quickly block with his right palm and bring
his left palm under it ready as shown The body
turns to the left as your left palm takes over the block to your left.
Now he throws another face punch with his right
fist. Your right palm is ready in position so you twist your waist to
your right taking his punch over to the right as you strike to his face
with your left palm. Once again this all happens in a
split second with the attacker throwing the punches as quickly as
possible. You are now able to change sides at will, for instance, you
could block with your left palm after the first attack and then take
over the block with your right palm, then as the right fist comes in,
you should take it with your left palm, and strike with your right
After some time this sort of block and re-attack will become totally
natural because it is! Then you are able to use any of the above techniques
very quickly while moving. You will also find that you are
able to use any part of any one of the techniques at any time to defend
against any attack.

Friday, May 02, 2008

This goes on to more advanced techniques but it can be seen that this
amount will keep you busy for quite some time and is an excellent
training method for awareness, sensitivity and fighting ability.
The next facet of the vertical plane is to have your partner throw two
face punches one after the other. This time instead of blocking
downward with your right (or left) palm, you should block upward
and then punch. Photo No. 189. There is no difference from the first
way except that you block upward on the second attack. Now you
are able to combine left and right attacks with upper or lower second
attacks so it becomes quite a handful for both players.