Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The internal martial art of PA-KUA CHANG tends to compliment
t’ai chi. It is said that t’ai chi is the mother while pa-kua is the
daughter. At an advanced level, there is not much difference in the
fighting side of pa-kua and t’ai chi so I try to use techniques from
both arts in our Chinese Boxing Classes. To this end I have devised
certain training techniques that make use of both arts.
The main difference between the two arts in a combat sense is that
t’ai chi tends to evade or yield, blocking the outer lines of defense to
attack the center line. In pa-kua we tend to break anything that comes
in contact with the ‘hammer palm feelers’ and then attack the
center. The both ways of fighting are correct and will of course depend
greatly upon the type of body using them. A small person
would not try to barge in and break anything that came in contact
with his palm but rather evade and attack the center. The larger person
would be able to break any- thing that came in contact with his
palms and then get at the center. By the same token, a smaller person
would usually try to block onto the ‘closed side’ (covered earlier) to
avoid the opponent’s other arm or leg. The larger person would not
worry so much about the closed side but rather come straight in on
either side, crushing everything in his path.
The single pounding palm from pa-kua chang is a most formidable
weapon and when used correctly can break an attacking arm or wrist
with one blow. The low double-handed block from T’ai chi however
is used to block very heavy punches or kicks using the both arms and
then re-attack very quickly. I have put these two techniques together
into a two person training set. This way everyone regardless of size
is able to practice and use both of the above methods and gain something
from them.
It has been my experience to know that you will need some form of
forearm protection, as the pa-kua palm is very powerful.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Although long har ch’uan is essentially a training method, it does
have some useful techniques that work.
From the closed side the opponent attacks with right fist. You should
step to your left side and block as shown .Your
right palm takes over the block from underneath while your left fist
strikes at his axilla area. From the same attack you
can also use the right elbow to the same area.
An interesting take down comes from long har ch’uan. As his right
fist attacks you you should use the first part of the vertical long har
ch’uan technique . Then you should turn your left
palm to grab his right wrist as your forearm is Jammed into his el-Ph
Chapter Six Some Other Techniques

How To Use Tai Chi as a Fighting Art

bow. Now using the momentum of your body, you
use his elbow as leverage to take him down. When
done correctly the opponent’s feet will come right off the ground.
This technique can also be done on the ‘closed’ side for greater effect.
You should use the same initial block only on the closed side,
i.e. onto his left arm. Then use the same technique to break his elbow.

Another use for the posture ‘lift hands’ is to take a right fist with
your left palm on the outside and slam your right thumb into the soft
area of his biceps. The thumb should be bent on top of your fist as
A curved or roundhouse punch is the most common punch used by
an ‘untrained’ fighter and this technique will be useful against these
attacks. As he comes in for the attack open both of your arms, one to
block his attack, the other to strike across his chest or neck.

Now with your arm pressed across his neck you are able to
take him down.
Another nice take down from p’eng involves taking a block using
p’eng and using the other palm to grab his wrist. You should use the
momentum of your body to make an arc downward as you throw his
wrist along that arc. His body will follow.
Take a right punch with your right palm, and step in
very close to his body placing your right leg behind his. Your right
arm is used across his neck to throw him over your right leg.