Sunday, April 15, 2007

When putting

the backstop together, make sure that the
bolts or nails do not protrude out of the front of the target.
This will prevent throwing knives from bending and
breaking. If the supporting post will be placed in the ground,
either by driving them in or using a posthole digger, cut them
to a point and place them two feet into the earth. The
backstop can also be leaned against a tree or wall.
If the backstop will be left outside for any length of time,
protect the wood by treating it with a coat or two of protective
stain or paint. Use the kind, commonly available, for
outdoor wood and furniture. With care, the backstop will last
for a long while, depending on how much it is used. But with
consistent training one or more of the front boards will need
to be replaced eventually. This is a relatively simple task.
Once the backstop is in place in a proper area, a Ninja will
want to consider targets.



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