Tuesday, March 27, 2007


The Handle Grip
When throwing a knife by the handle, grip the end of the
handle so that it is centered in the hand. The thumb should
rest against the inside of the handle and the rest of the
fingers should curl around the handle securely (see Photos
2.5 thru 2.8). Always throw knives so that they travel
vertically. Knives can be thrown horizontally, but they
travel and strike with less velocity, hitting power, and
penetration at longer distances.

The Blade Grip
To throw a knife by the blade (see Photos 2.9 thru 2.12),
grip the end of the blade with the thumb running parallel to
the length of the blade and the rest of the fingers curled up
against the opposite side. Again, throw the knife vertically.

Two other grips are worth mentioning. These are the pinch
grip (see Photos 2.13 thru 2.15), and the palm grip (see Photos
2.16 thru 2.18). The pinch grip is performed by pinching
either the end of the handle or the point, primarily between
the thumb and forefinger. The palm grip is performed by
cupping the blade or the handle against the open palm, and
holding the knife against the palm with the thumb. These
grips can be used to throw underhand, overhand, sidearm,
vetically, or horizontally. All of these throws should be
practiced according to the guidelines which follow.

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