Sunday, March 25, 2007

Throwing Methods

The two basic ways of gripping a throwing knife are by the
handle and by the blade. The two basic throws are the
underhand and the overhand throw. Other more complicated
throws are performed with a sidearm motion. All of these
techniques, along with some variations, will be presented
and discussed in detail in this section. But first, how to carry
and conceal throwing knives must be discussed.
Carrying and Concealing Throwing Knives
Obviously, Ninja must either carry throwing knives on
them or have them accessible in some way in order for the
knives to be useful. There are a variety of carrying and
concealment methods, and many more which an inventive
Ninja can develop for his or her own use. The most important
factor is that the knife must be able to be drawn quickly. The
method of transporting a throwing knife must also be safe
and comfortable to the wearer. If concealment is a concern,
the knife should be invisible and silent.



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