Sunday, March 11, 2007


Springing to his feet, Kenji saw the third guard charging
at him, while the leader drew his own sword and maneuvered
behind the Ninja. Without hesitation, Kenji threw his
dagger underhand style into the charging man’s right thigh
and stepped aside. The dagger buried itself deeply in the
guard’s leg, causing him to howl and topple forward,
impaling himself on the thrusting sword of the leader. Kenji
charged them unexpectedly and shoved them to the ground.
Drawing his second throwing knife by the blade, and
snapping the thread that suspended it behind his neck,
Kenji threw it at the second guard who had been wounded in
the groin. The man was struggling to rise as Kenji’s knife
pierced his throat, dropping him instantly. Kenji drew his
final two throwing knives from the wrappings around his
ankles, as the leader disentangled himself from the corpse of
the third man. He rose and faced Kenji warily.
“You have killed two of my men,” the leader said, “good
men as well. Only a Ninja could do what you have done. But
the element of surprise upon which you rely is gone. And I
have my sword, while you only have three knives. Are you
ready to die, Ninja?”



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