Sunday, June 15, 2008

You will again need a partner. Have your partner throw a medium
pace punch with his right arm. You should block upward using
p’eng,. You now very quickly try to use your right
palm to grab his wrist. This is tricky and requires some amount of
practice. Your right palm must clamp down onto his wrist with a
Chapter Six Some Other Techniques: Page 70
How To Use Tai Chi as a Fighting Art: Page
slipping motion, don’t try to grab his wrist outright, allow your right
palm to slip slightly down his forearm as it tightens the grip. This of
course takes a fraction of a second. If you find that you are able to do
this easily at that pace, your partner must increase his speed until
you can no longer grab his arm; now stay at that speed until you are
able to catch it.


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