Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sometimes we call this method ‘Australian Boxing’ because it resembles
the swatting of flies from one’s face. Two players stand opposite
each other in an easy for them stance or rather ‘no stance.’
The attacker throws a face punch with his right fist as the attackee
blocks it with a sort of stroking motion across his body with his right
palm to cause the fist to just miss his face. Photo No. 185. Ifwe were
to use a pushing type of block and push the fist some distance to the
left, this would give the attacker some considerable reaction time in
which to counter. Notice that the body has turned slightly to your left
as the left palm immediately and almost simultaneously comes up
underneath the right palm to take over the block. Photo No. 186.
The right palm then continues down to your right side to block his
second attack low to your right rib area. Photo No. 187. This all happens
in an instant with the second attack coming in as fast as it is
possible for the attacker to bring it in after his first attack. Then to
finish off, you should turn your waist to your right and attack his
face with left fist. In practice we use the chest as this exercise becomes
very fast.


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