Tuesday, December 04, 2007


This is a good training method against kicks and has also to do with
the barging technique. You are inevitably going to be kicked in the
stomach so we train to be kicked in the stomach. As your partner
kicks you, (gently) into your stomach you should have the idea that
you will attack his foot with your stomach. When you are struck,
30% of the effect of the strike is the shock value. As you are about to
be struck move in onto the kick and breathe out and as you do this
use reverse breathing, i.e.; you breathe out and the lower abdomen is
pushed out, not inward as is the normal way of breathing. You attack
his foot and push him away. After some time the kicks can become a
little harder until you are able to pretty well defend against a medium
power kick. It is of course much better to have used the barging
technique in conjunction with a block so that you aren’t struck at all
but this technique trains you for when you are struck and enables
you to keep going.


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