Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Defending a Punch

(O Goshi)
In this situation, my
opponent attempts to punch
me at a closer range. To
defend, I raise my lef t hand to
my lef t ear, protecting the
entire lef t side of my head ( fig -
ure 1). To protect myself from
potential counter str ikes on my
r ight side, I grab my opponent
’s lef t hand.
Illustrated in figure 2, I
push my opponent’s left hand
down slightly to create space
for me to “enter”. I will also
wrap my left arm over and
around my opponent’s right arm.
In order to lift my opponent
off the ground, I turn, facing the
same direction as him. During this
turn, I keep my hips lower than his
and “bump” into him, off-balancing
my opponent. My right arm goes
under his left arm and to his back
while my left arm pulls his right to
my waist.



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