Monday, April 16, 2007


The beginning practitioner may simply wish to mark off a
distance of ten feet from the backstop and use that as a
target. At first, just concentrate on hitting the target. Throw
at least ten knives at a time in order to avoid excessive trips
to and around the target to retrieve knives. Next, try to strike
the target with all ten knives and make them stick. Do not
throw hard. Power is one of the last areas to work on. It is
better to work on technique and accuracy at first; power and
speed will come later, with more time and practice. A Ninja
must learn to be patient.
Practice the following throws, one at a time. Do not move
onto the next until it is consistently possible to make nine out
of ten knives stick. These are only the basic throws, a Ninja
will go on to develop throws of his or her own. Do not be
surprised if some throws are more difficult to master than
others. Often this will vary from person to person. Ninja
should always work at their own speed. Experience is the
greatest teacher.
1. Overhand Throw
2. Underhand Throw
3. Sidearm Throw
4. Palm Grip Throw
5. Pinch Grip Throw
6. Backwards Throw


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