Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Punching & Kicking

No matter what people think about kung fu, in particular the internal
styles, striking and kicking are still the main form of defense.
We still ‘yield’ to an attack, we still use ‘internal energy’ rather than
brute strength but in the end we use punching and kicking more than
any other technique to finish a confrontation quickly and with the
least amount of violence. Sometimes it is necessary to use some
other technique such as grappling or locks and holds etc. but in the
end the knock out punch or kick is the kindest way to stop a fight.
The main fights that any of us will encounter will be the odd drunk
at a party or the odd lout in the street, so we do not want to break his
arm or leg to stop him from fighting, we try to stop him with the least
amount of injury.


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