Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Upon reaching the general’s quarters, he found them as he
had expected them to be-heavily guarded. Kenji was forced
to make his way silently up onto the roof and cautiously
down into the rafters above the general’s room. Once there,
the young Ninja listened for a great while, detecting the
sounds of two people sleeping. He could tell from the way
that they were breathing that they were deep in slumber.
Kenji could not see much from his vantage point, despite the
dim moonlight bathing the chamber. He had to climb down
into the chamber. Silently he lowered himself slowly into the
chamber by means of a thin strong rope. Immediately he
caught sight of two guards sitting by the door. As soon as his
feet touched the floor, he drew two of his throwing knives,
retreated, and crouched in the shadows of the room. But
neither of the guards moved; it was they who were sleeping.
Quickly he made his way to the general’s bed. The general
lay in the bed, but he was stone dead. It was a ruse to fool
spies. The general’s body had even been embalmed and
covered with a thin layer of wax. For proof, Kenji took the
general’s ring. Quickly but carefully, he made his way back
to his quarters and gathered his things. He had the
information for which he had come, and he would leave that
very night to inform his clients.


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